All our Programs - Workshops, Seminars and Events - are fully adapted to be offered through the online conferencing platform like Zoom or Google Meet.

We will resume In-person Programs when the restrictions are lifted by Health Canada.

If you would like to join in one of our programs, please click on the ‘Contact us’ menu on the top, and fill the contact form. We will get back to you within 2 business days.


  • Please stay at home, with only one person going out to buy essential items like grocery and medicines

  • When you go out to shop for essential items, please stay at least 6 feet away from another person

  • While staying at home, please continue to stay active, and do some stretching and simple exercises to keep good physical and mental health

  • IMPORTANT: Going to parks, playgrounds and beaches is NOT SAFE at all. Even if you stay far from other people. you can still get the virus, as you will be using the same benches and playing facilities, or walk on the same sand and water as other people. So, please stay away from parks, playgrounds and beaches.